Yesterday the core Serilog package quietly ticked over to become our “1.0” release. If you’ve never tried Serilog, now’s a great time to get started. To find out what it is all about, visit our documentation.
A huge effort has gone into our “serializing logger” over most of this year – I set out hoping to thank everyone involved personally, but quickly found that writing the list is a project in itself. Instead I’ll have to be content with pointing to the awesome contributions, extensions and integrations and helpful issue reports we’ve clocked up. Thanks also to everyone sharing in the vision of what Serilog can be – the ideas and encouragement have carried it a long way!
The project supports a lot of extensions; storage options like Azure Table Storage, CouchDB, MongoDB, RavenDB; broadcasting via SignalR and visualization with Glimpse. These are all in active development and use, but I’m waiting to collect more feedback on each individual package’s maturity before stamping the 1.0 version number on them.
Now seems like a good time to quickly mention Seq, a side project I have in the works to scratch a big itch for me: finding a simple way to capture, filter, correlate and consume structured events from Serilog. I’m intending a small preview in the next few weeks – if you’re using Serilog and interested in providing early feedback please contact me directly.
Lastly, Brisbaneites: find out more about Serilog this Tuesday, 15th October at the BNE.NET User Group.
Happy logging!